True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Jessica takes a backseat, while Jason caters for an unwelcome house guest; Pam tries to make amends, and Bill and Eric plan their escape from the forces now pursuing them, but are soon drawn into a plot that will shatter the very foundations of the vampire hierarchy, and bring them face to face with their deadliest enemy.
Join us tonight at 9PM EST for live coverage of the season 5 premiere of True Blood.
Truebies it is finally here, the season 5 premiere of True Blood. Waiting has sucked, but our wait is finally over.
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming With some major new villains (or at least some new vamps who are going to be a challenge) heading our way and some old familiar faces eager to sink their fangs back into the neck of Bon Temps residents, everyone here is getting pumped.
Last season ended with a cliffhanger so, needless to say, fans will be eager to settle back into their TruB routine and find out what happened to Tara who apparently died at the end of the season and their other favorite characters.
On tonight's show as the dust settles in Bon Temps, Sam and Luna's plans for a fresh start are interrupted by a new arrival, hell-bent on revenge. Meanwhile: Sookie's vow for a life without vampires is put to the test; Lafayette struggles with his latest acquisition; Patrick calls in a favor from Terry, that will put his relationship with Arlene under pressure.
Jessica takes a backseat, while Jason caters for an unwelcome house guest; Pam tries to make amends, and Bill and Eric plan their escape from the forces now pursuing them, but are soon drawn into a plot that will shatter the very foundations of the vampire hierarchy, and bring them face to face with their deadliest enemy.
Join us tonight at 9PM EST for live coverage of the season 5 premiere of True Blood.
Lafayette, Sookie, Pam and Tara: Tracksuits, ghosts and baby vamps
Sookie and Tara, True Blood Season 5, Sookie and Tara, True Blood Season 5 Last time we saw Sookie, she was holding a lifeless Tara in her hands, while pieces of Tara's brain mingled with pieces of Debbie's and Lafayette was in emotional pieces after having killed Jesus. Yes, everyone was in pieces in one way or another :-) Well, True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Lafayette runs downstairs and cannot believe that he has lost someone else. They are crying when Pam storms in looking for Eric.
Pam, True Blood Season 5, Pam, True Blood Season 5Sookie at first wants her gone, but Lafayette comes up with a master plan...Pam can make Tara a vampire. Of course plan points out that half her brain is missing and Tara can turn out "Utterly f*cktarded."
She does change her mind when Sookie promises to owe her one, not including using her "Super Snatch" to fix things between her and Eric first...ooh Pam - I love your witty lines!Pam puts some of her blood in Tara's mouth, changes into a *gasp* walmart sweat suit and has Lafayette and Sookie bury her and Tara. Then it's all about the waiting game.
Lafayette, True Blood Season 5, Lafayette, True Blood Season 5
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming While waiting, Lafayette helps Sookie bury Debbie's body. Later, Lafayette tells Alcide off and demands he leaves Sookie's house just as she is about to spill the beans about Debbie and once Alcide leaves, he demands that Sookie keep her trap shut...ohh, Did I mention he is now bald? yep, he cut all of his hair off.
They then go to retrieve Jesus' body from his house. The problem there is is missing?? What is going on there? More voodoo magic or something? We shall see. They return to the house, and it is almost evening time. Once Pam comes up, Sookie waits for Tara but she never gets out of the whole. She is crying when Lafayette walks in and realizes Tara is really dead. They are all in tears when...another Bam! Tara jumps out of the grave and heads straight to Sookie's neck. True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Oh my gosh..I think she is Fucktarded!!
The pack shows up, Sam tells them he killed Marcus and knows where the body is, and the pack threatens to abuse Luna and Emma unless Sam goes with them to pay for his crimes.
Off to the Garden of Eden
Finally! Season five of True Blood has finally arrived, with the showing of episode one this past Sunday night. There were definitely a few awesome moments that really exemplified what we have always loved about the True Blood series. In my review, I plan to point out a few key moments that left me wanting more.
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming The episode picks up right where the last season left off. Eric and Bill are cleaning up the remains of Nan, who they killed during the season finale. This scene started off funny right away, as Eric shuffled around picking up the mess at high speed while Bill sat on the phone talking to Jessica.
The Introduction: Bill speaks up about Sookie being in trouble, but both ignore her as a result of her rejecting both of them last season. The best moment in this scene was Eric's snide comment, "F*** Snookie" until they both sense a gun shot and run out of the house. Of course they are captured moments later (surprise, surprise).
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Wham, Blam, Thank You Pam: Who would have thought that would ever see Pam wearing a matching sweat set, in a pale yellow with frolicking kittens to boot. But, yes, that is what she is wearing as she sulks and lays down in a shallow grave with Tara to help her turn (and possibly survive that head-smashing gun wound left by Debbie). This scene also sets up the new fact that Sookie now owes Pam a favor.
What Would Jesus Do?: Apparently, Jesus would disappear. That is what happened when Sookie and Lafayette head over to take care of Jesus' body.
Pushy Preacher: The return of Rev. Steve Newman is short and sweet as he glimmers Jason and professes his love to him. The situation gets violent until Jessica shows up to save the day... and maybe for a little bit more action that what Jason anticipated.
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Hunk in the Trunk: Bill and Eric cozy up inside the trunk and wriggle around to get ahold of an umbrella. They use this to blast open the gas tank, eventually triggering an explosion that sends all four vampires flying. There were two incredibly funny points in this scene. The first was the tortures that they endured in the trunk as one of their captors sings along to the song "Silly Love Songs." The second was the reaction that Eric had to the "traitor" of the captors, his vampire sister Nora (more on that in a few moments).
Kissing Cousins (or actually Siblings): Nora and Eric have absolutely no shame in showing off their intense sexual attraction by kicking Bill out to "conduct business" inside the shipping trailer.
True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Streaming Sam, Alcide and the Wolf Pack: Sam withstands torture to try to save Luna and her daughter. Alcide saves the day in the end, but this scene turns plain disturbing as the pack eats the body of their previous master.
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